



Score10 Complete spermatogenesis with many spermatozoa (spermatozoa are here defined as cells having achieved the small head form of the spermatozoon). Germinal epithelium organized in a regular thickness leaving an open lumen.
Score 9 Many spermatozoa present but germinal epithelium disorganized with marked sloughing or obliteration of lumen.
Score 8 Only few spermatozoa (<5-10) present in section.
Score 7 No spermatozoa but many spermatids present.
Score 6 No spermatozoa but only few spermatids (<5-10) present.
Score 5 No spermatozoa, no spermatids but several or many spermatocytes present.
Score 4 Only few spermatocytes (<5) and no spermatids or spermatozoa present.
Score 3 Spermatogonia are the only germ cell present.
Score 2 No germ cells but Sertoli cells are present.
Score 1 No cells in tubular section.

Spermatogenesis, 精子形成, 造精能; Spermatozoon(単)Spermatozoa(複), 精子; Spermatid, 精子細胞; Spermatocyte, 精母細胞;



1. Johnsen SG. Testicular biopsy score count – a method for registration of spermatogenesis in human testes: normal values and results in 335 hypogonadal males. Hormones 1970;1:2-25.

2. 寺田充彦, 畠山茂. 不妊症精巣の形態学. 不妊症の臨床と病理. 病理と臨床 1989;7:173-80.



執筆者:神戸大学医学部附属病院病理診断科 酒井康裕

