


Recommended control tissues:Lymphoid tissue containing germinal centers

Staining pattern: Cytoplasmic

This antibody react with normal tissues such as:

1) B cells in follicular centers; precursor lymphoid cells; granulocytes (John KC Chan. Tumors in lymphoretiucular system in Flercher et  al. Diagnostic histopathology of tumors p1106)

2) Some epithelial cells

3) Fibroblasts of breast stromal tissue.

4) Endometrial stroma:Can be used for diagnosis of endometriosis

5) mesonephric lesions in the female genital tract

This antiboy react with neoplastic lesions such as:

1) Follicular lymphoma (~80%). Diffuse positivity of CD10 in interfollicular area is indicative of FL.


Figure: Follicular lymphoma. CD10 is diffusely positive in interfollicular area in addition to germinal centers.

2) Burkitt lymphoma

3) B-lymphoblastic lymphoma

4) Rare T cell lymphomas

5) Some diffise large B-cell lymphomas

6) Various non-hematolymphoid neoplasms, especially endometrial stromal sarcoma and renal cell carcinoma(Chu P, Arber DA. Paraffin-section detection of CD10 in 505 nonhematopoietic neoplasms. Frequent expression in renal cell carcinoma and endometrial stromal sarcoma.Am J Clin Pathol. 2000 Mar;113(3):374-82

pitfall Srodon M, Klein WM, Kurman RJ. CD10 imunostaining does not distinguish endometrial carcinoma invading myometrium from carcinoma involving adenomyosis.Am J Surg Pathol. 2003 Jun;27(6):786-9

