
CD15 (LeuM1)


CD15 is one of markers for Reedsternberg cells.

Staining pattern: Golgi + membrane

Recommended positive control cells: The normal cells listed below or Hodgkin lymphoma cases.

Reactivity in normal tissues: Neutrophils, monocyte, histiocytes, and CMV infected cells (John KC Chan. Tumors in lymphoretiucular system in Flercher et al. Diagnostic histopathology of tumors p1110)

Diagnostic utilities:

  • Mainly used for diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphomas. Reed-Sternberg or Hodgkin cells are positive for this marker in 75% cases(John KC Chan. Tumors in lymphoretiucular system in Flercher et al. Diagnostic histopathology of tumors p1121).
  • Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, which may mimic Hodgkin lymphoma, is rarely positive for CD15, but only small population of the cells.
  • Histiocytic tumors
  • Some leukemic cells
  • Various epithelial tumors
    • Clear cell carcinoma(CD15+) vs York sac tumor  (CD15-)
    • Adenocarcinoma (CD15+) vs mesothelioma (CD15-): Use with other more specific markers is recommended




CD15, Hodgkin lymphoma
