
Noguchi classification of lung adenocarcinoma


Histological typing of small adenocarcinoma of lung (under 2cm)

A localized bronchioloalveolar carcinoma(LBAC):5年生存率100%

B LBAC with foci of collapse of alveolar structure:5年生存率100%

C LBAC with foci of active fibroblastic proliferation:5年生存率75%

D Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma

E Tubular adenocarcinoma

F Papillary adenocarcinoma with compressive and destructive growth


Noguchi M, Morikawa A, Kawasaki M, Matsuno Y, Yamada T, Hirohashi S, Kondo H, Shimosato Y. Small adenocarcinoma of the lung. Histologic characteristics and prognosis. Cancer. 1995 Jun 15;75(12):2844-52.



執筆者:神戸大学病院病理部病理診断科 伊藤 智雄  tomitoh@med.kobe-u.ac.jp

