
Scoring system of acute cellular rejection in liver transplantation

Portal Inflammation (P)
Mostly lymphocytic inflammation involving, but not noticeably expanding, a minority of the triads 1
Expansion of most or all of the triads, by a mixed infiltrate containing lymphocytes with occasional blasts, neutrophils and eosinophils 2
Marked expansion of most or all of the triads by a mixed infiltrate containing numerous blasts and eosinophils with inflammatory spillover into the periportal parenchyma 3
Bile Duct Inflammation Damage(B)
A minority of the ducts are cuffed and infiltrated by inflammatory cells and show only mild reactive changes such as increased nuclear:cytoplasmic ratio of the epithelial cells 1
Most or all of the ducts infiltrated by inflammatory cells. More than an occasional duct shows degenerative changes such as nuclear pleomorphism, disordered polarity and cytoplasmic vacuolization of the epithelium 2
As above for 2, with most or all of the ducts showing degenerative changes or focal lumenal disruption 3
Venous Endothelial Inflammation(V)
lymphocytic infiltration involving some, but not a majority of the portal and/or hepatic venules 1
Subendothelial infiltration involving most or all of the portal and/or hepatic venules 2
 As above for 2, with moderate or severe perivenular inflammation that extends into the perivenular parenchyma and is associated with perivenular hepatocyte necrosis 3

Total RAI Score = _/9

Banff schema for grading liver allograft rejection: an international consensus document.Hepatology. 1997 Mar;25(3):658-63.



執筆者:神戸大学病院病理部病理診断科 伊藤 智雄

