


(Hemoglobin Scavenger Receptor)

用途: 正常では単球monocyteと組織球macrophageに陽性。 他の正常組織, 悪性リンパ腫lymphomas, 癌腫carcinomas, 間葉系腫瘍の大部分は陰性。 組織球、単球系腫瘍のdetectに有用 follicular dendritic cell tumors (0 of 4) Rosai-Dorfman disease (5 of 6) histiocytic sarcoma (3 of 4) littoral cell angioma (6 of 6) Langerhans cell histiocytosis (3 of 5). A subset of atypical fibrous histiocytomas (9 of 16) benign fibrous histiocytomas (6 of 9) atypical fibroxanthomas (1 of 3) acute myeloid leukemia with monocytic differentiation (AML, FAB subtype M5) (2 of 6), giant cell tenosynovial tumors (7 of 8).

Nguyen TT, Schwartz EJ, West RB, Warnke RA, Arber DA, Natkunam Y.  Expression of CD163 (hemoglobin scavenger receptor) in normal tissues, lymphomas, carcinomas, and sarcomas is largely restricted to the monocyte/macrophage lineage. Am J Surg Pathol. 2005 May;29(5):617-24.




執筆者:神戸大学病院病理部病理診断科 伊藤 智雄  tomitoh@med.kobe-u.ac.jp
